Students shave hair for good cause

Samantha Reid goes under the razor.

A group of St Peter’s students ran a Shave for a Cure event at the school recently, raising $1250 for charity.

The Leukaemia & Blood Cancer NZ fundraiser saw twelve students get their heads shaved in front of an audience of students and staff on Friday, August 10, some of which were donating rather long locks for the cause.

The generous group of shave-ees included Jena Denton, Ella Hines, Marija Miletic, Bronson Clark, Jack Douglas, Dyson Down, George Thorpe, Christian Stewart, Rokko Lassey, Mac Livingstone, Samantha Reid and Brennan Peterson.

The event was sponsored by Vivo Hair & Beauty New Zealand, and organised by Milli Clark, Bronson Clark, Lauren Hardgrave, Aoife Brosnan and Charlotte Craig.

Head boy Jack Douglas (left) and Christian Stewart.

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