Cambridge Community Board update

Cambridge Community Board chairman Mike Pettit shares highlights from the board’s meeting earlier this month…

Mike Pettit.

It was fantastic to hear from seven residences at the recent public forum. Topics covered included Christmas decorations for the town, possibility for a floating jetty near the boat ramp at the bottom Dominion Ave, seating around the Leamington Polo Ground area and from the Act of Kindness group, which is based on families volunteering within the community. If you would like to join this group or have a project or job you would like assistance with, please contact Rebecca at

The Board have asked council to consider holding Waipa Citizenship Ceremonies, that take place most months, alternatively between Te Awamutu and Cambridge. The rationale is often more than 50 per cent of those becoming New Zealand citizens in Waipa live on this side of the district.

CCB members followed-up by some students from Cambridge Primary have painted the fuel bunker that sits above the carpark at Lake Te Koo Utu. A sign has been made explaining the history of the bunker which dates back to WW2. We invite any interested parties to come along and share in a simple dedication of the bunker on Monday, September 3 at 3pm.

Due to the disappointing response back from NZTA regarding bringing the physical driving licence test back to Cambridge the Board have asked Mayor Jim Mylchreest to advocate to NZTA for its return.

The Board have successfully advocated for the steamroller at the Leamington Domain playground to be retained. We look forward to the restoration work being completed this side of Christmas.

The Board have committed funds towards upgrading of Christmas decorations, and will be working with the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce’s First XV group who have volunteered to put them up over the last three years. Your feedback would be welcome on this topic.

Council and Community Board members are now required to complete an Annual Member Interest Declaration Report, as the Members of Parliament are required. This is fully supported by the Board.

To fit with legal requirements, the CCB was presented with options around representation of elected members. The board has recommended to council an additional Board member which will give an even proportion of members to ratepayers across our town and rural areas.

Building statistics for June show a total of 33 consents issued for Cambridge, 15 being for new house dwellings, at an average cost of $615,331. Maungatautari ward had a total of 14 consents issued, six being houses, with each dwelling averaging $647,710. The total value of all consents for both wards was $16,323,333.

Our CCB meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month starting with a public forum at 6pm, where members of the public are able to come and speak.

To place an item on the formal agenda, please do so at least 10 days before the meeting, either by emailing [email protected] or our CCB secretary, [email protected] or contact any board member by visiting

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