Little libraries coming

Cr Rob McGuire checks out a book out from one of the little libraries, when they were presented to council staff at Spring Hill Corrections Facility last week.

Communities in Tauwhare, Matangi and Tamahere will each receive one of 30 “little libraries” created by prisoners at Spring Hill Corrections Facility, Hampton Downs.

Holding 20-30 books that can be borrowed and exchanged, each little library will be installed in rural areas around the Waikato district, kept stocked by local residents in an effort to provide books to communities without public libraries.

The project is part of Waikato District Council’s ‘Placemaking programme’ designed to help communities to reclaim their public spaces with seating, planting, art installations and other projects and activities that bring people together. For more information contact Betty Connolly or Lianne Van Den Bemd or phone the council on (07) 824 8633.

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