Concert adds $3K to band fundraising

Cambridge Brass Band members at the June 24 St Peter’s School concert, pictured as they accompany four of the junior cornet players – Thomas Hocking, Anna Ede, Pierce Winter and Ella Cross – performing “Trumpets Wild.” Photo – Richard Lummus.

Last month’s concert at St Peter’s School added another $3000 to the Cambridge Brass Band’s fundraising efforts for its November visit to France.

The Cambridge Brass Band is one of the oldest community bands in the country; the June 24 fundraiser was in support of its first overseas trip. Because of the sister-city relationship shared by Cambridge and Le Quesnoy, the band was invited to take part in the November commemorations of the liberation of the French town, just 10 days before the end of World War One.

Around $75,000 is needed to take the band to France. Fundraising was given a solid start with a $15,000 donation from the New Zealand/France Friendship Fund, followed by $5000 from the Lions Club of Cambridge. Other fundraising initiatives are continuing – including at the weekly Cambridge Farmer’s Market and the monthly Trash ‘n Treasure market. The band has also set up a Givealittle page, and is applying for grants.

While in France, the band will not only participate in the November 4 commemoration of the liberation of Le Quesnoy, but they will also play at the opening of the New Zealand War Museum in the town, perform in public concerts with the local youth band, and visit schools and retirement facilities. Band spokesman, assistant musical director and principal cornet player Rob Hocking said the concert at St Peter’s had been particularly successful in PR terms. “It brought us to the attention of many people who may not have seen us in Cambridge. We are also looking at the possibility of holding a farewell fundraising concert in October, just prior to departing for France.”

The $3000 from ticket sales for the St Peter’s concert were boosted by an additional sum of about S1000 raised through raffles drawn at the event. First prize was the Poppies of Remembrance Quilt donated by Heather Clarke; second was firewood donated by Jointwood Products; third was six bottles of wine; fourth was handcrafted kitchen accessories made by band member Bernadette Winter; and there were three spot prizes.

Next in terms of fundraising is the band’s involvement in “Bonjour Bastille Day”, the third event of its type in Cambridge. Organiser Julie Epps said the July 14 celebration marked Cambridge’s sister-city connection with Le Quesnoy, and would this year offer a combined lunch event with the Cambridge Brass Band, the proceeds of which will go towards the band’s trip.

Apero French Cuisine is set to cater the event and will also offer crepe workshops.

Local markets and retail outlets have pledged additional French flair, and tickets for the lunch – to be held at Cambridge Primary School hall from 11.30am – are available from Julie Epps, either via her email ([email protected]), or on 827 8013.

The Cambridge Brass Band Quintet will also play at Hamilton Museum at 3pm on Bastille Day. The free event will feature a concert of French-themed music.

Meanwhile, the band’s Givealittle page is here.

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