Welcoming Candice Gollan

We have been lucky enough to have the services of Candice Gollan, who is writing for us as part of her studies. So, here’s a bit about her, since you’ll no doubt be seeing her name come up:

Candice Gollan.

My name is Candice Gollan and I am a 23-year-old horse-mad Wintec journalism student that calls Cambridge home. I have lived many places, but Cambridge is the one place I came back to, the place that I’m proud to call home.

I never pictured myself being a writer, but I was always told it was something I excelled in. I had a plan though, a plan concocted by my eight-year-old self. I wanted to go to law school and become a lawyer. I did achieve half of the goal I had worked 10-years toward, but after two-years of law and business school, I decided it wasn’t what I wanted anymore, and I took a gap year for some self-reflection. In that time, I went from being a part-time worker in a horse racing stable, to full-time and immersed myself in the industry.

It was a very informative gap year, I learnt a lot about the industry and about myself which then made me decide to take what I liked out of law, the writing, and applied to the Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) for their Bachelor of Media Arts communication degree majoring in journalism. It was without a doubt one of the best decisions I have made.

My time at Wintec has not been all sunshine and roses, it has not been without its struggles. I had spinal surgery half way through the first semester last year and it has been a long road to recovery. However, here I am almost half way through the final year of my degree.

My parents and my partner have been driving forces behind me for my surgery, my recovery, my rehabilitation, my return to horse riding and my studies. I am forever thankful for their love and support.

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