‘Steady hand’ steps down

Cambridge Community House manager, Joanne Turner; David’s wife, Gill Day; outgoing trust chair, David Day; and trustee Robyn Parker at the farewell lunch for David.

The Cambridge Community House said farewell to its chair, David Day, who stood down after 2 years in the role and 3.5 years on the trust. Trustees, staff and supporters held a farewell lunch for David this week, paying tribute to his quiet and gentle style of leadership.  Trustee Penny Pickett described David as “a steady hand on the tiller”, a sentiment echoed by others at the farewell.

Community house manager, Joanne Turner, was full of praise for her outgoing boss. “You are one of the best role models and mentors of my life,” she said, thanking him for being a “backbone” for her in the role she took over last year.

Former trustee, Anne Maclure, paid tribute to the chairperson she had recruited from the CAB, describing him as a “quiet and respectful leader”.

“He had to learn calmness over 50 years of marriage,” his wife Gill joked.

David said there would never be a perfect time to leave the trust, but that now was as good a time as any. “I love this place, my heart is in this place and will always be here,” he told the assembled group.

Shirley Stephens has stepped up as chair of the trust, with Carolyn Casey taking the position of deputy chair.

David will continue in his role as president of the Waikato JP association and a volunteer at the Citizen’s Advice Bureau.

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