The Cambridge tours will include a stop at the historic Sanatorium Hill, with breath-taking views of the district.
Council has announced another eight of their popular bus tours – four on each side of the district. For the first time, Cambridge is now included. Bookings are now open for the free tours, which are expected to fill up fast. The Cambridge tours will depart from the Town Hall and include stops at Lake Te Koo Utu, Roto-o-rangi, Sanatorium Hill and Lake Karapiro. The Te Awamutu tour will include stops at key land war sites including Rangiaowhia, Ōrākau and Alexandra Armed Constabulary Redoubt. The Cambridge tours will be on March 16, April 11, 14 and 18. Visit waipadc.govt.nz/bus-tours to book your spot. Remember to take note of the tour location and date you are registering for – west is Te Awamutu, east is Cambridge.