Keeping young people safe online

John Parsons will be visiting Cambridge next week.

The challenge of raising a child in the digital age is a regular topic of concern for many parents. The nature of children’s interactions online, and the platforms that they are using, change rapidly and regularly. To help support families in this area, the Cambridge Principals’ Association is bringing internet safety expert John Parsons to Cambridge next week.

John will be working with a number of schools, children and teachers across Cambridge and will also be hosting four parent information evenings during his visit. These information evenings are designed to give parents the knowledge and confidence needed to keep children safe in a digital environment. John will share practical tips and examples from his many years of experience working with young people, their families and support agencies. He promotes a values-based approach that supports other aspects positive parenting and will also point out many of the pitfalls children can experience online and offer solutions for when things go wrong.

Goodwood School principal David Graham said, “we have received overwhelmingly positive feedback about sessions that John has led in the past, parents have greatly appreciated his entertaining and informative way of delivering these important safety messages.”

The parent evenings will be held at Goodwood School on Monday February 19, Cambridge East School on Tuesday February 20, Cambridge Middle School on Wednesday February 21 and Leamington School on Thursday 22nd February. The sessions start at 7pm and there is no charge, although a gold coin donation would be appreciated. Parents are very welcome to attend any session that fits in with their busy schedules. The nature of some of the material John shares means that his sessions are not suitable for children under the age of 13.

For more information contact David Graham on (07) 827 6817.

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