Rollo Webb is taking part in Foot Forward February with BNI.
Members of the Cambridge BNI group (Business Network International) have taken on quite a task for themselves this month – walking 10,000 steps each day as part of Foot Forward February.
The initiative challenges each member to complete the daily quota, raising money for Hospice with every step. Sponsors can sign up in person, or visit footforwardfebruary.co.nz to either donate a set amount, or donate a fraction of a cent for each step.
“That keeps it a bit interesting,” said Greg Wallace from Rocketspark, who helped set up the website and is taking on the challenge. “It’s been really good fun, and Hospice do such a great job, it’s such an important part of society and life… this is just something little we can do to help out. It’s a cool way to do something for yourself that’s also for other people.”
About one third of the 25 members of Cambridge BNI are taking on the 10,000-step challenge, while others in the group are doing their own means of fundraising and awareness building, although for one member the walking part isn’t really a challenge at all.
“I enjoy getting out and walking, for my own sanity,” laughed Rollo Webb from Webb and Wood Accountants, who had already completed 10,000 steps by 10am on the day we spoke to him.
“It’s not that hard to do actually, ten thousand steps is not a lot, it’s quite surprising. And it’s a great de-stresser, it’s one of my best problem-solving times,” he said. “The money for Hospice is important, no doubt about it, but the main thing I like about it is it’s getting people to change their lifestyle where they think a bit more about their health, especially as we get older.
“Some people might say they haven’t got time to do it, it’s a very easy excuse not to exercise, and five years ago that was exactly my excuse. But really it does destress your life, getting out walking, you find you’re much more laid back and more focussed.”
The local organisers behind the challenge hope to see it spread throughout the region and eventually nationally. To find out more visit www.footforwardfebruary.co.nz.