Andrew Fowke was visiting Cambridge when his parked car was written off on Saturday night.
A visitor to Cambridge has been left with a bad taste in his mouth, after his parked car was written off on Saturday night. Andrew Fowke was in town visiting his partner’s parents and had his car parked at the top of Thornton Road, just past the intersection with Albert Street.
Sometime during Saturday night another vehicle collided with Andrew’s car and drove off without the driver leaving any details. The force of the impact shunted his car 10 metres down the road.
Andrew said both he and police think the vehicle was a silver car, judging by paint left behind and the height of the damage. “Something hit it really hard and hadn’t slowed down before it hit it,” Andrew said, pointing out there were no skid marks on the road.
The car is a write off and with only third-party insurance Andrew is stuck with the cost of a new car, but he still hopes that someone’s “moral compass” will see them come forward. He is appealing for anyone with information to contact the Cambridge police station on 827 5531 or phone Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 to make an anonymous report.